Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

Form ↓GlossesPOSLinks
PPH *sedsed₃

feel with the feet, as in finding clams under the sand

PAN *sedu


PWMP *sedut

sip, suck

POC *see


PWMP *segaʔ

kind of rattan

PWMP *seguk

make a gurgling sound in the throat, or hiccup

PMP *sei


PWMP *sejem

black ant, probably sugar ant

PAN *sejep

enter, penetrate

PWMP *seka

a species of rattan

PWMP *sekad

prop, support

PAN *Sekak

to crow, to caw

PMP *sekaŋ

crossbar, strut, something to hold things apart

POC *seke


PAN *Seked

stop an activity, take a break, rest

PWMP *seked

use up supplies

PAN *sekel

bend, bow

PMP *sekep

keep secret, cover up

PWMP *seket


PAN *seksek₁

to stuff, cram in; be crowded

PWMP *seksek₂

chatter of birds

PWMP *sekud


PMP *sekuk

to sob, choke, have broken respiration

PWMP *sekut


PWMP *sela

intervening space

PWMP *selaŋ₁

interval of space or time

PPH *selaŋ₂

jaw, jawbone (?)

PWMP *selaR

big, gross, coarse

PWMP *selat

narrow opening or passage between two things

PWMP *seleg


PAN *selem₁

sink, immerse oneself in water, dive into the water; to set, of the sun

PWMP *selem₂

dark, dusky

PMP *selep

enter, penetrate

PWMP *sel(e)qut

encircle tightly

PMP *selet

insert between

PWMP *seli₁

shift, alternate

PWMP *seli₂

young shoot

PAN *selsel₁

insert, cram in

PWMP *selsel₂

regret, remorse for something done

PMP *selu

fish with a thin, elongated body: long tom

PWMP *seluk


PWMP *selut

encircle tigthly; band or ring around something

PAN *Sema


PAN *Semay

cooked rice

PMP *se(m)bek

muffled sound of a gasp, etc.

PWMP *sempit

narrow; squeeze tightly

PWMP *sempuk

bump or bang into, collide unceremoniously

PAN *Semut


PPH *sená

just, merely, only, usual

PAN *Señaw

to wash

PMP *sendem

brood, think, be silent

PWMP *sendeR

to lean on or against

PWMP *sendet

tightness, congestion

PMP *sendiR

to lean on or against

PWMP *senduk

spoon, ladle

PWMP *seŋa₁

nasal mucus; blow the nose

POC *seŋa₂

parrot sp.

PAN *Seŋad

to breathe

PWMP *seŋaŋ


PAN *Seŋaw

to breathe (?)

PPH *seŋaw-án

(gloss uncertain)

PMP *seŋ(e)hij

acrid, pungent, of odor

PMP *seŋ(e)hit

acrid, pungent, of odor

PWMP *seŋek

difficulty in breathing

PWMP *seŋ(e)qaw

vapor, steam

PMP *seŋet₁

acrid, pungent, of odor

PAN *seŋet₂

to sting or bite, of an insect

PPH *seŋet-seŋet

throb with pain or exhaustion

PMP *se(ŋ)ger

feel fit, healthy

PWMP *seŋit

irritated, annoyed

PWMP *seŋjiR

lean, incline

PMP *seŋkar

transverse beams that support the roof of a house; thwart or ribs of a boat

PWMP *se(ŋ)keb


PAN *seŋseŋ

cork, stopper, plug

PWMP *seŋseŋ-en

to plug, put a stopper in a hole

PPH *sensén

press together, make compact, as the threads or leaves in weaving

PWMP *sepak

break, snap off at a joint

PPH *sepal

to chew (of animals?)

PMP *sepaŋ


PWMP *sepaq

chewed mass of food or betel nut in the mouth

PWMP *sepaq-an

(gloss uncertain)

PAN *Sepat


PCEMP *sepat

go past, go beyond

PPH *sepet

inner pulp or young leaves

PMP *sepet₁


PWMP *sepet₂

fish sp.

PAN *Sepi


PWMP *sepi

lonely, quiet, deserted

PAN *sepiq

break off fruit or branches

PAN *sepsep

sip, suck

PWMP *sepsep-an

(gloss uncertain)

PAN *sepsep-en


PMP *sepsep-i

to sip, to suck

PWMP *seput

blowpipe, blowgun

PWMP *seput-an


PWMP *seqseq

beat, pound

PAN *sequŋ

horn of an animal

PWMP *sera


PWMP *seray

lemon grass: Cymbopogon spp.

PPH *seReb

to burn, singe

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