Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

Form ↓GlossesPOSLinks
PWMP *p<um>enuq

to fill, make complete

PAN *p<um>espes

to massage

PAN *p<um>iliq

to choose, select, pick out

POC *puna

base of a tree; beginning; origin

PMP *punaŋ

source, origin

PAN *puna-punay

greenish fruit dove

PMP *punas

wipe off, wipe out

PAN *punay

greenish fruit dove

PMP *punay punay

greenish fruit dove

PWMP *pundut

pick up with the fingers

POC *puŋa₁

flower, blossom

POC *puŋa₂

crowded; mass of people

PAN *pu-ŋajan

(gloss uncertain)

POC *puŋao

affines of the first ascending or zero generation

PWMP *puŋaw

lonely, forlorn

PWMP *puŋgal

prune, cut off the tip

PWMP *puŋgel

prune, cut off the tip

PWMP *puŋguk

tailless, of birds

PMP *puŋgul

prune, cut off the tip

PMP *pu(ŋ)kaq

break off

PWMP *puŋpuŋ

stump, remnant

PMP *puŋu

bunch, cluster (of grain, fruit, areca nuts, etc.)

PAN *puŋuN

bunch, cluster (of grain, fruit, areca nuts, etc.)

PAN *puNi


PMP *puni₁

tree fern

POC *puni₂

hide, conceal

POC *puni₃

ringworm: Tinea imbricata

POC *puni puni

to hide, conceal

PWMP *punpun

assemble, gather

POC *puntal

puffer fish sp.

PAN *punti₁


PWMP *punti₂

kind of marine fish

POC *puntu

small hill, knoll

PAN *punuq₁

brain, marrow

POC *punuq₂

a constellation: the Pleiades

POC *punuq₃

strike, beat; pierce; kill; extinguish (a fire)

POC *punuq-a

strike, beat; kill

POC *punuq-i

strike, beat; kill

PWMP *pu(n)zut

pick up

PMP *pupu₁

pick, pluck (as fruit)

POC *pupu₂

conical bamboo basket trap for fish

POC *pupuk₁


POC *pupuk₂

insect that infests wood and bamboo; dust produced by the boring of this insect

POC *pupula₁

fish sp.: herring

POC *pupula₂

raised flesh over a wound

POC *pupuŋ

swell up

POC *pupuŋan

ridge of the roof

PCEMP *pupuR

rinse the mouth, gargle

POC *pupus

leak, pour out; loose or crumbling; crumble and fall

POC *pupus-a

drip or pour out

POC *pupus-i


POC *puput

pluck (as fruit), strip off (as leaves)

PWMP *puput-an


POC *puput-i

pull out, uproot (as plants); pluck (as hair or feathers)

POC *puqal

levered up; uprooted

PMP *puqas

to abate, of strong feelings

POC *puqaya


POC *puqi puqi

pour water on; to douse (as a fire)

PMP *puqpuq

pick, pluck (as fruit)

PMP *puqun

base of a tree; cause; source, origin; beginning; foot of a hill or mountain; first wife; model or e…

PWMP *puqun-an

(gloss uncertain)

PMP *puqun nu kahiw

tree (lit. ‘foundation/ origin of wood’)

PMP *puqun nu laŋit

horizon (lit. ‘foundation/ beginning of the sky’); stranger, foreigner

POC *puRa

spray water from the mouth; spray a mixture of saliva and masticated medicinal herbs on an ailing bo…

POC *pura

to appear

POC *puraq₁

unnaturally white; albino

POC *puraq₂

immerse, dip in water

POC *puraq puraq

foam, bubbles; bubble up

PMP *puRcit

spurt or gush out

POC *puRe

be lifted up or deposited on the beach by tide or current

POC *pure


PMP *puRiq

wash, as the hands

POC *puro₁


POC *puro₂

foam, bubbles

POC *puro puro

foam, bubbles

PAN *puRuq

a bird, the quail

PMP *pus

hiss, whizzing sound

POC *pusa₁

originate; related by common origin

POC *pusa₂


PAN *puSaN


PWMP *puseD

whirlpool, eddy, vortex

PMP *pusej

navel, umbilicus; mid-point or center of something

PPH *pusequŋ

hypogastrium, abdomen below the navel

POC *puso₁


POC *puso₂


POC *pusoc

navel, umbilicus

POC *pusoq

foam, bubbles

PWMP *puspus

finished, completed; all gone

PWMP *pusuŋ₁

tie up

PMP *pusuŋ₂

heart; heart of banana

PMP *pusuq₁

heart of a person or animal; purple heart-shaped inflorescence of banana plant

PMP *pusuq₂

sticky rice cake

POC *pusuR

hunting bow

PWMP *put₁


POC *put₂

coconut husk

POC *puta

fishnet float

PMP *putaR

to turn

PAN *puteq

gummy secretion

PWMP *puteR

to turn

PMP *putiq


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