Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

Form ↓GlossesPOSLinks
PPH *kubuŋ₂

protective covering or enclosure; mosquito net

PPH *kubuq

hunchbacked, stoop- shouldered

POC *kubut₁

maimed, amputated, of a limb

PPH *kubut₂

keep a mistress (?)

PAN *kuCkuC

roll up, curl up tightly

PAN *kuCu

head louse

POC *kude

hourglass drum

PAN *kudem


PAN *kuden

clay cooking pot

PAN *kudeŋ

clay cooking pot

PMP *kudin

clay cooking pot

PAN *kudis

scurfy skin disease; scabies

PAN *kudkud

hoof, lower leg of an ungulate

PMP *kuDkuD

to scrape, rasp, grate, as in grating coconuts

PWMP *kuDkuD-an

grater, grate, as for coconuts

PPH *kudkud-én

to scratch, scrape off

PWMP *kuduŋ

head cover for women

PWMP *kugem

hold in the fist

PWMP *kuhit

tap, touch, or reach in with the finger

PMP *kuhkuh₁


PMP *kuhkuh₂

claw, talon, fingernail

PWMP *kuhul

edible snail sp.

PAN *kuja₁

how?, how is it? what is the matter?

PMP *kuja₂

how?, how is it? what is the matter?

PMP *kuk

sound of sob, croak, etc.

POC *kuka

crab (generic)

PWMP *kukkuk

to cluck, of chickens

PMP *kukun

tree sp.: Schoutenia ovata

PWMP *kukuŋ

stiffs, stiffening of the limbs

PAN *kukuŋ₁

small bird that produces a deep resounding call

POC *kukup

to clutch, hold tightly

PMP *kukuq

stick to, adhere firmly

POC *kukur


POC *kukut

to hang, suspend

POC *kulabo

a fish: Lethrinidae spp.

PAN *kulaC

bracket fungus, Polyporus spp.

PWMP *kulad


PWMP *kula-la(m)baR

bat sp.

PWMP *kulambar

fish sp.

PPH *kulaŋut

dried nasal mucus

PPH *kulap

dim, not well-lit

PWMP *kulasa

fatty hump on the back of a buffalo, etc.

PPH *kulasísi

small parrot or parakeet kept as a pet

PMP *kulat₁

< a class="findlink" href="acd-ak_o.htm#open">open the eyes

PMP *kulat₂

bracket fungus, Polyporus spp.

PAN *kulay₁

worm, insect

PWMP *kulay₂

wilt, droop, as flowers

PWMP *kulem

dark, dim

PAN *kuliC

rind, peeling of fruits or tubers

POC *kuli-kulit

skin disease

PPH *kulili

fire saw; tie a tool around the hand or some other fixture

PMP *kuliliŋ

round about, around, in one’s surroundings; go around

PPH *kuliliŋ₂

to ring, of a small bell

PWMP *kulintaŋ

a percussive musical instrument or ensemble: the gamelan

PWMP *kuliqik

screech, as a hawk

PMP *kulit₁

skin; hide; rind; bark

POC *kulit₂

skin, bark, peel, shell

PWMP *kulit-an

to be skinned, have the skin removed

PWMP *kulit-en

to skin, remove the skin

PWMP *kulkul

bend the limbs, curl up the body

PMP *kulu₁

a tree: Artocarpus sp.

POC *kulu₂

coconut growth stage 9: ripe, flesh hardened

PWMP *kulub₁


PWMP *kulub₂

to slow cook in a tightly covered vessel

PWMP *kulub-an

(gloss uncertain)

PWMP *kulubuŋ

head covering for women

PMP *kuluŋ

curl, curve

PMP *kuluR


PMP *kulut


PPH *kulut-én

to curl, make curly

PAN *k<um>aCu

to bring, to carry along

PAN *k<um>aen

to eat

PMP *k<um>ahiw

(gloss uncertain)

PAN *k<um>ahuS

scoop up

PAN *k<um>ali

to dig up, excavate, as tubers

PWMP *kuma-lima

fifth in order

PPH *k<um>ampi

to join, unite with in taking sides

PMP *kuman

tiny parasite on the body, itch mite, chicken louse

PMP *kumaŋ

hermit crab

PAN *k<um>aRaC

to bite

PMP *k<um>aRat

to bite

PAN *k<um>aRaw

to scratch an itch

PAN *k<um>aSiw

(gloss uncertain)

PMP *kumbal

dry sago branch

PPH *k<um>edut

to pinch

PPH *k<um>epkep

to hold tightly in the arms

PAN *k<um>eRet

cut something slender

PAN *kumeS

pubic hair

PAN *k<um>etun

chop up, as firewood

PMP *kumi


PWMP *k<um>ilala

(gloss uncertain)

PWMP *k<um>ilat

to lighten, to flash, of lightning

PWMP *k<um>iluq

to wind, turn

PAN *k<um>iRim

to seek, search, look for

PAN *kumiS

pubic hair

PMP *kumis

moustache, beard

PAN *k<um>ita

to see

PPH *kumpay

kind of grass

PWMP *kumpul

bunch or cluster of things; to gather

PMP *kumpuŋ

maimed, amputated, of a limb

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