Austronesian Comparative Dictionary

Form ↓GlossesPOSLinks
PWMP *beluy

forget a skill, make a mistake

PMP *bena

lower part of a river; tidal bore

PWMP *benal

strike, whip, beat

PAN *benan

deer of the genus Cervus, either the sika deer or sambar deer

PMP *beñan

to sneeze

PWMP *benaŋ

thread (for weaving, sewing)

PWMP *benaR


PWMP *benban

herb used in making baskets: Donax cannaeformis

PAN *beNbeN

banana: Musa sapientum L.

PWMP *benben₁

block, obstruct

PWMP *benben₂

herb used in making baskets: Donax cannaeformis

PMP *bendul

swelling of the body

PPh *bened


PWMP *benehiq

seed rice

PWMP *benem₁

roast in hot ashes

PWMP *benem₂

sink; drown

PMP *bener

true, righteous, honest

PWMP *benes

grow densely, of vegetation

PWMP *beŋ

buzz, hum

PMP *beŋa₁

open the mouth

PCMP *beŋa₂

to say, tell

PMP *beŋaŋ₁

disconcert, confuse

PMP *beŋaŋ₂

gape, open the mouth wide; be dazzled, amazed

PMP *beŋaŋ₃

open, spacious

PMP *beŋap

surprised, amazed

PMP *beŋaq

open the mouth

PMP *beŋat₁

split, torn; opening or water passage between two capes of land

PPh *beŋát₂

state, express in words

PWMP *beŋbeŋ


PAN *beŋbeŋ₁


PAN *beŋbeŋ₂

buzz, hum

PMP *beŋbeŋ₃


PMP *beŋbeŋ₄


PCEMP *beŋel

mute, unable to speak

PMP *beŋel


PWMP *beŋeR

hard of hearing, deaf

PPh *beŋet₁

edge, border

PPh *beŋet₂

moustache, whiskers

PMP *beŋi

fragrance, pleasant odor or smell

PWMP *beŋil

part of the lower leg, possibly the ankle

PMP *beŋis₁

angry, quarrelsome

PMP *beŋis₂

grin widely, showing the teeth

PMP *beŋit

cry out, as in pain or fear

PMP *beŋkak

swell, increase in size

PMP *be(ŋ)kaŋ

spread apart, as the legs, or an unbent fishhook

PMP *be(ŋ)kaR

to open, as a fist; to blossom, of flowers; split open, break up, dismantle, demolish

PMP *beŋkas

untie, undo

PWMP *beŋkek

short and stocky

PEMP *béŋkéR


PMP *beŋkuŋ

bent, curve, arch

PMP *beŋkuq

bend, curve

PPh *beŋqáw

chasm, precipice

PPh *beŋuit


PMP *beŋuŋ

humming sound

PMP *bentas

hack a passage through vegetation, blaze a trail

PMP *benteŋ

extended, stretched taut, put under tension

PWMP *benti

kind of marine fish

PWMP *bentis

swollen belly

PMP *bentuk


PMP *be(n)tuR

glutted, sated; swollen (of the belly)

PMP *be(n)tur

glutted, sated; swollen (of the belly)

PWMP *bentut

fart; stench

POC *benu

coconut husk

PWMP *benuaŋ

a tree: Octomeles sp.

PAN *beNuC

pull out, extract

PPh *benuit


PMP *benut₁

fibrous husk of coconut

PMP *benut₂

pull out, extract

PMP *beqbeq


PMP *ber

onomatopoetic for sound of fluttering, flying

PMP *beraŋ

width, extent across

PAN *beRas₁

rice between harvesting and cooking; husked rice

PMP *beRas₂

rice between harvesting and cooking; husked rice

PAN *beRas-an

container in which rice is stored

PWMP *beRas-en

to husk rice; be afflicted with pimples on the skin resembling rice grains

PWMP *beRaw


PAN *beRay₁


PMP *beRay₂

give, present gifts to; gift

PMP *berber₁

flutter, flap, sound of rapid wingbeats

PMP *berber₂

shiver, tremble

PAN *beRek

domesticated pig

PMP *beReŋ

deep grunt or groan

PAN *beReqaŋ

molar tooth

PMP *beReqat

weight, heaviness, weightiness; difficult; pregnant

PWMP *beRet


PAN *beriq

split, tear open

PWMP *berit₁

scratch a line

PWMP *berit₂

split, tear open

PMP *beRkes

bundle (as of firewood); package

PWMP *beRkis

bind up; bundle

PPh *beRnát


PAN *beRŋaw

bluebottle, large fly

PMP *beRŋi


PMP *beRŋi beRŋi


PAN *beRŋi-n


PMP *beRŋi-na

(gloss uncertain)

PMP *beRsay

canoe paddle; paddle a canoe

PWMP *beRsay-an

(gloss uncertain)

PPh *beRták

to hit, strike, or hard objects colliding

PMP *be(R)tas

tear, rip open (as cloth or stitches), snap (as string)

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